Freedom of our unique identity

Emilia 15 October 2015

During a time of beautiful worship with 3 other amazing women, today, I saw a portal of light from heaven come between the 4 of us.  It was bright but soft and flowing.  I then noticed that each of us were spheres of light and we started to co-mingle with the portal of light.  What I became aware of was that the lights were free to move and mingle as they were not defined by any shape or enclosure.  There was no hardness about them.  There was no definition of shape or size or structure, they were just free.  As these lights danced and mingled together, there was a sense of freedom of joy.

As the freedom of expression progressed, I felt that my own light was breaking forth out of me with gentle explosions of colours and sounds.  I felt like my inner self was experiencing a beautiful freedom of expression.human light

As I enquired to the Lord about this He said that when we behave authentically from our unique and true identity we experience that freedom and we co-mingle with heaven freely.  The enemy doesn’t want us to experience this so he works tirelessly to remove that free interaction by placing definitions on us that harden us by lying to us about what we are, what we are not, what the world says we should be.  When we accept these definitions our inner light develops hard edges that can not freely move and intermingle.  We become defined and shaped into an identity that is no longer our own and we lose our freedom, our authenticity, our identity and ultimately develop walls between ourselves and heaven, feeling trapped.

I was then made aware that each and every human being has a unique deposit of heaven within them which can only be released by operating out of our unique identity.  In fact we are responsible for releasing our piece of heaven on this earth.  If we do not walk in our unique identity, then not only are we are enslaved by a false identity and entrapment but the world does not get to experience that part of heaven of which we are purposed to impart.


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